Sunday, March 21, 2010

Generally, I don't contemplate murder...

…but if my friend’s ex does stop spewing lies about her, I’m going to gut that bitch with a plastic spoon.

(Deep breath) Okay. Now that I’ve got that bit of violence out of my system, the story:

One of my good friends, Bell, is a lesbian and, quite honestly, very fussy and demanding. However, she is a decent person, wonderfully intellegent, and a loyal friend. She started dating this girl who, again quite honestly, was far too needy to be compatible with her. Which was mentioned to Bell on several occasions. But Bell really cared for this girl, needy and energy-draining qualities and all, and so myself and her other friends kept quiet. Well, mostly. :P

The relationship was pretty rocky, to say the least. Though, in all fairness, they both did put in a great deal of effort to make things work. The Girl did her best to be not demanding. Bell did her best to be more sensitive to The Girl’s needs. But things went south, fast. The Girl, literally, was draining the life out of Bell. My friend was reduced to tears some nights because she just couldn’t handle the massive guilt trip that The Girl employed. The Girl, I found out from some mutual friends, was in similar states due to Bell’s inability to drop whatever she was doing to attend to The Girl’s needs.

All friends involved in the drama advised our respective parties to end it.

Bell, eventually, put her foot down and did.

Chaos and tears flowed.

Now, about three weeks later, The Girl has started her own blog. The headline story? The debut post? About how “that bitch” had messed her up so bad, treated her awfully. She accused my friend of being emotionally abusive when I know (and everyone who has ever met Bell knows) that isn’t true. Bell did her best to make due with the problems a girl she cared about a great deal had. The fact that The Girl doesn’t appreciate this–Hell, the fact that she doesn’t even recognize this–is what angers me most. And the fact that she’s spreading these lies about her where anyone can read them… Well, yeah, that angers me too.

I don’t consider myself particularly violent. However, I’m protective of my friends. There’s is very little I wouldn’t do for them.

Wondering If I Should Invest In A Sharpener For My Sword,

~Strawberry Wine


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