Thursday, October 29, 2009


As you all saw I spent part of this week upset over experiences that I may not get to have or might enjoy for the last time this year. Obviously I’m hoping that’s not the case but it’s not entirely unrealistic to consider. Today I decided to take action though and prevent them from stealing anything more than experiences from me. I started creating a memory box which once I get the contents finalized will be stored at a friends house.

I’m not sure how much, if anything, they would allow me to take with me. I also don’t need to be scrambling around last minute to collect all those little things that actually mean a lot to me. I don’t want to forget anything and I certainly don’t want to be forced to leave things behind. And like I alluded to in my previous posts, some of it isn’t even for me. I have memories in my head but my children won’t. I want to be able to share things with them. It seems dorky to think that far ahead but I really do want a family and I’ll do everything I can now to ensure that they at least have some pictures and objects. There’s only so much you can tell someone. Maybe they will never see their grandparents in person but I can at least provide them with pictures to go along with the stories.

I started by digging through two boxes (i’m not a hoarder, they’re fairly small lol) of stuff that I already had established as places to keep valuables that had nowhere else to go. As I started I wondered how I was going to pick and choose what to bring with me and soon reality set in, there is very little I have that is worth saving. It’s not about the actual objects to me but the memories they carry. It all suddenly looked like junk. I would give it all away to be accepted by my family.

Objects have never really taken on much meaning to me in the past but at some point they might be all I have.

I eventually sorted through stuff by trying to think of what my kids (dork alert again) might enjoy hearing about. Some things have significant memories tied to them while others are just cool or funny. I’m also in the process of going through all of our photo albums and scanning in pictures. I’m hoping to get those on CDs to put in the box. That’s probably going to be the most valuable object to me. If I end up having time i’d also like to get some home videos put on CD but that will take longer. I might make that later on if I have time and just give it to my friend to add to the box.

I’m also planning on writing a letter to myself. What do I say though?! The next time I read it there’s a large possibility that I will have just been kicked out. I need something to pull me through, even if it just gets me through that first night. It’s hard to write that when I’m in a slightly depressed mood but I feel as if that will be invaluable as well. A long with some cash of course 

Maybe I’ll throw in some candy?

Any other suggestions?

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