Sunday, January 31, 2010

Could be an explanation to lesbianism but...

how do you explain homosexuality?

This sarcastic quote by an atheist/evolutionist/pro-homosexual could be a explanation as to why females choose to be lesbians…   “But hey, women are only ribs once remove and should be happy to be expendable, submissive bipedal incubators who knows their place…”

What do you think?

Now, how do we explain homosexuals in males…?  Sick!

What the Bible says about both… 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 – “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friendly Reminder

Swing by and say hello! Check out local artists and musicians! Support your local community!

Cut & Paste Rock & Roll


Real tragedy of being alone

Atheism is a misfortune for the homosexual. [1]Being atheist brings endless number of possibilities to get closer and closer to the core of understanding of all mysteries because the world is his and its consequences impresses his satisfaction of knowledge. A drink sweetened with pretentious credibility.

But when mental scenes arise as the enemy does behind darkness, every single resource of mental strength fades away leaving our egocentric view defenseless. Another see-through reality allows us to perceive a little beyond. No enemy is completely invisible.

My sex awakening woke up with TV. It welcomed me with series of adultery and promiscuity; an open door for my newly born curiosity and emotions. I had just turned 10 years old.

So under teen pressure I went to a party and some suggested going to the movies at midnight. Now internet gives discretion and secrecy. Back then my teen friends and I went to find out what we had heard about this indecent stuff.

[2]I already knew what sex was about; the rest was a distant cloud. But on that night a Pornography movie wounded my heart severely; I was shot at point-blank range; a real encounter with death.

[3]Witnessing to sexual intercourse is a way to get senses imprisoned, and when we want to intelligently tell them apart; woman and man turn into one flesh. Every perspective plays with sensuality. So, is sex bad or evil? No way, it’s a gift understood in the realm of love.

[4]At this stage any careless reader might dare to say that another nature has been born, that a revealed frontier has been set in front of us to be tried, but nothing further than “the truth”. A clean heart stumbles upon a death trap; the more we fight our way out the more we get entangled while an intruder comes in as a masked murderer.

When a specific pornographic scene settled at the bottom of heart it keeps silently spreading into every healthy part of the being; poisonous yeast. 

On the contrary finding intimacy in the opposite sex gives joy to both wife and husband, but when we’re bombarded with images a bond arises between condition and sensation.

Just like a dog hiding a bone to get back later and chew on. that’s our behavior from this moment on. One minute becomes two minutes, one week becomes two weeks, and one image becomes one hundred. We have been besieged and left on fire.

And [5]one day, vivid dreams visit us in waking hours along with the mornings. And that’s where consciousness comes to and wonders what’s going on? [6]An impostor has trespassed on our dreams and calls itself “myself” disrespectfully.

Self confidence hurries to help even though it’s too late. A weak counterattack is based on our walk to maturity. Heart doesn’t hurt too much, almost nothing at all. We just observe so far.

[1] “I am the Lord, and there is none else: there is no God, besides me: I girded thee, and thou hast not known me:”

- Isaias 45,5

[2] “He answered them: ‘This is the work of an enemy.’ They asked him: ‘Do you want us to go and pull up the weeds?’”

- Matthew 13,28

[3] “Be sober and alert because your enemy the devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.”

- 1 Peter 5,8

[4] “It is not surprising: if Satan disguises himself as an angel of light,”

- 2 Corinthians 11,14

[5] “For dreams have led many people astray. Those who hoped in them have fallen.”

- Sirach 34,7

[6] “While everyone was asleep, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and left.”

- Matthew 13,25


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

0013 Porndrawing - Nina Mercedez

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BGC Round Six: "Bad Break"

The morning after last episode’s dramatic encounter between – well – everyone, is a quiet, reflective time. Flo paces like a caged tiger, Annie and Kendra timidly discuss drama. That’s when Natalie opens her big mouth to wake everyone up like the town’s bitchy crier. She alerts everyone to the Bad Girls photo shoot tomorrow, then notices Kate has talked smack on her pop art portrait. To get back at her, Natalie writes on Kate’s walls that Kate is jealous, except she does this with some barely legible water-based marker, which Kate easily wipes off.

Why would Malibu be jealous? She has everything. Everything save some vocal inflection and the energy to stand and hold conversations.

At the salon, Flo, Amber, and Natalie get their nails did and va-jay-jays waxed. For Flo, this is in anticipation for all the “box eating” that’ll go down when she takes the BGC to Girl Bar, a premiere lesbo hang in LA. Amber writhes in disgust in her chair like the gay baseball player she is.

Natalie explains that she may let a lady eat her box, and I’m thinking, as I watch the Asian ladies do their nails in silence, this is probably what those nail ladies actually talk about in Korean all day too.

At least, I hope so, because I’d be really pissed if they were actually talking shit about my nail beds and sub-par cuticles.

The girls go back to the house where Amber confides in Kate she doesn’t want to go to the munchbox bar, but if she admits that, she knows she’ll be labeled a homophobe. Kate can relate from her “black bar night” incident and they bemoan having to pretend to act lesbian, or even endorse that behavior. See, Ambular doesn’t buy the whole “bisexual” thing, she just knows that Flo sucks internally.

Later that night, Kendra brings back yet another man to the mansion, Angel, who she met at the speed dating event. The girls try to make it “romantic” for Kendra by bringing candles, stuffed animals, and getting naked in the pool next to them to steal attention.

Is it just me, or is Annie talking to the blow up animals and then to Kendra and Angel on the bed such 6 year old girl stunt to try and impress her parents? But on the upside, well done, Dan. Your girl just got “sort of” bad. Unforch for Kendra, her night ends pretty PG. Thanks, Annie.

Flo goes to talk with Amber in attempts to assuage her fears about the gay bar (which, from the looks of their hair and makeup, clearly takes place AFTER their makeover/photo shoot and the producers and editors are hoping we don’t notice the chronological shuffle). Amber again tries to explain her outlook: see, when she made out with women before, that was under different circumstances. That was to look like a slutty fantasy so she could get dick. See the distinction, Flo?

You’re just confused, which do you like? Cooter or penis? Way to throw condescension into the convo, Amber. Well, now Flo’s pissed and is prescient enough to say that if Amber keeps pushing the matter they’re gonna have a problem and Flo would punch her dead in the face.

The next morning it’s photoshoot time!

Actually, ixnay on that exclamation mark. The whole day is a big yawn, very uneventful. It was fun to see the action behind the pictures I eventually photoshopped, but the Portia reunion with Natalie was totally anti-climactic. Everyone laughed along with Natalie calling her a wild banshee, then when they saw Portia, they all hugged her.

Natalie didn’t even talk to her. Boring. No points.  Moving on.

As the girls get ready to go out to Girl Bar that night, Amber gets on the horn with her boyf to bemoan the plight of the straight girl stuck in this L-World. CUT TO: Flo putting on the most horrendous puke green eye makeup ever. Steamy. As the girls enter the club, perhaps Kendra put it best, “I never feel uncomfortable anywhere, so Flo? Have a great time. Hold it down, this is your spot.” Thank you, Kendra, for not being a C-U-Next-Tuesday about it! Even Kate stands by the strip pole with bills in her hand! Albeit she wistfully glances over at Amber, proud that she’s showing Flo support. How is she supporting Flo? She’s pouting on the crushed velvet bench, bitching about having to be there. Now, I want to say that this scene really racked me up some mucho muffdive points, but as I glance at the board, I “technically” only get 3 points for a same sex M.O.

There is no category for “same sex licking tops of boobs” and “same sex feeling up” – but would this fall under the “Lesbian Action anything more than kissing” category? It’s a fair question. I think Flo earned those damn points.

Back at the house, Amber asks Flo if her mother knows what she does. I mean, she must be mortified and embarrassed watching this! Amber, seriously, shut the eff up. Flo is a proud Albanian woman just trying to represent! And the fact that Flo didn’t fly off the handle at Amber for speaking out of school AGAIN on the issue is points to Flo right there. (Or should I say, props, clearly I’m not getting more points out of this.) I’m just building a case here, people, of why the ultimate climax of this show should implicate Amber as being just as guilty in instigating the fight as she was attacked.

The next night, they go to Big Wang’s – which appears to be a shittier version of Applebee’s. Angel shows up and orders $20 worth of food and leaves Kendra with the bill.

This is a deal breaker for Natalie, who is now co-running Kendra’s game. Angel is dunzo on their list. So Dunzo that they’re gonna punk him via phone later after he sings on their message machine. Ugh, this guy does suck.

But fear not, Natalie is bringing in back-up. Another D-list athlete! Lawrence, her “NFL Baller” friend, who I get the impression is a Streisand-ticket-holding-friend-of-Dorothy’s. But he tells Natalie to not kiss him because he has a girlfriend and they are JUST friends. Sorry, Natalie, you’re just an unknowing fruit fly. A shrieking banshee of a fly.

In the limo ride home, Flo mounts Natalie in a drunken/humping glory make out sesh.

Kendra, giddy and inspired, proceeds to make out with every girl in the limo, INCLUDING AMBER. Don’t think Flo doesn’t see that shit. But I’m sure Amber would chalk it up to extenuating circumstances again. Lesbo’s are still gross.

At the mansion, Baller Lawrence and his friends join the girls for some after-hours fun. Natalie, in a slutty teddy, lures Lawrence to her bed, but he’s distracted by her slam book/mood wall of pictures of her kissing her boyf ever so gently. You digging Olamide, Mr. Lawrence? Mmmhmm, thought so. When Lawrence has no sugar to pour on Natalie’s sourpuss, she gets thee to a Nunn-ery (get it?!) and protests in confessional, no, no, they would never do anything, they’re just friends! Safe remarks from a woman scorned.

Now here’s where the action heats up. And what better setting than in the hot tub? With alcohol in her system and an audience of men, Amber starts yapping her pie hole about bisexuals again because Annie is wearing AmAp’s “Legalize Gay”.

And she repeats herself – “You’re not gonna like what I have to say, but I’m gonna say it” – so STFU already, woman! Flo comes forward and starts getting in her mouthy, pitbull state, calling out Amber’s hypocrisy of kissing girls. Amber tries to clarify she doesn’t understand licking the cooter, see? There’s a distinction, dammit. Flo gets up in her face and Amber flips and pushes Flo into the pool off the ledge, fracturing her ankle.

Flo is in pain, threatens to kill Amber and Amber says in the confessional “Flo, why don’t you get out of the pool and kick my ass because I’m not backing down.” See? She asked for it.

After injuring Flo, Amber hovers, antagonizing her more. So naturally, when Flo gets out of the pool, she rushes Amber and shoves her, then proceeds to pick her up by her hood rat curls and throw her across the floor.

Woohoo! My point board is flying through numbers like that Union Square counter that counts the national debt or some shit like that! Other Bad Girls rush to hold them back from fighting more, until Amber scurries away into the van to hide. Amber says that she didn’t mean to hurt Flo, but she didn’t care that she fucked up her ankle just the same.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I submit to you: a heartless Amber, just as violent as Flo, but painted the victim because she didn’t have a frothing, foaming mouth as Flo did. And ergo are we to rush to judgment that Florina is the villain? Don’t be fooled by Amber’s defense that she was just trying to respect Flo. How is bringing up a sore argument and instigating and pushing her into the pool respecting her? I think you’ll agree that Amber has no leg to stand on in this situation. And Flo is down to one leg.

As Flo gets taken to the hospital, and Amber to a hotel room to cool off for the night, Natalie escorts her pathetic NFL mantourage to the door, apologizing for them having seen the house in such shambles of drama. Annie and Lexie, useless Extras, discuss how Flo deserved it. They seem to have forgotten the chronology of the night, Amber started it and Flo just responded in kind, and now they are saying she is the one at fault. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m not claiming Flo is innocent, by no means, I’m merely explaining how it was in defense and in response to initial acts of violence and verbal instigation. No party is innocent here. I rest my case.

The next morning, Amber comes back from the hotel room, where she gathered her homophobe thoughts, I guess, and Kendra and Natalie go to pick up Flo, now in a cast, from the hospital. They regretfully inform her that Amber took a poll if everyone would be cool if she sent Flo home, and they were. They coach her that she needs to put on her best show and cry and beg for mercy.

Flo is astounded SHE has to beg for forgiveness, but agrees to put on a show. And a show it is! She limps and whimpers and cries when the house confronts her. She tries to stand, and hurts her ankle again, quick! Rush to her side! Amber has no clue what it took Flo to get to this house! (Well, probably the same amount of rounds of casting in the tri-state area, but I’m sure the trip was a bit longer from Staten Island. The ferry coulda been a traumatic experience for Flo).

On the staircase, Flo makes a final, teary-eyed plee to Amber. She was in a horrible state when she made the threat to chop her body into pieces! Please?? She won’t even touch another drop of alcohol for the rest of her time in the house! (Whoa! Let’s not get crazy now, Flo. Shit, I’d rather you get kicked out and get me those points then sit there and rot with no points like an Amber for the rest of the season.)

Anyway, Amber’s stupid face buys the act hook, line, and sinker and decides to let her stay. (Maybe it was that dramatic, touching string accompaniment to the scene that swayed her?).

Amber announces by the pool that she can stay, Flo, sucks back a cig and coughs up a thanks. That’s when the act drops. Natalie is proud of Flo’s manipulation, shit, Flo is a better actress than Johnny Depp. Flo shares an Iago-like complicit “Shh” with the audience in confessional. What a wicked minx! Love this girl. She can’t “guarantee” she won’t murder someone while she’s here. And I’m BACK IN THE GAME!

Previews from the next episode tell me that it’s “Opposite Day!” Natalie and Kate are BFFs, Kate is spitting in Kendra’s face, and Flo is nowhere to be seen! I do hope that Natalie pushes Annie into a rage though, so Annie can actually be watchable and interesting for once. And I also look forward to someone else covering my shift and writing this blog for the week. Anyone? Kthxbai.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Support Local LGBT Friendly Businesses

Well It had been a while since I saw my friend from Three Rivers so I decided to look for her and I found her again on facebook believe it or not. The last time that I saw her is when we worked together and she was starting her jewelery business and I thought I shared a little about her and hopefully you’ll spend your gay money locally and at local LGBT friendly businesses.

Tina St John Design

I’ve been designing jewelry since I was a young teenager. My mother was also an artist specializing in interior design and gourmet cooking. She enrolled me in a jewelry class with a designer from Denver, Colorado, who I later apprenticed with. Further on, after traveling to India, Europe and South Africa I decided to start a business of my own. Tina St John Design was launched in the early 90’s. With much trial and error, and several jewelry designing ventures I have simplified my line and way of presentation. My goal is “to design jewelry that provides a sense of well-being while making a classic statement.”

I am developing a line that incorporates vintage and antique beads to create new modern pieces. I will use your jewelry, and/or my found beads etc and recreate new treasured jewelry. Contact me to learn more about this service and to see what I’m creating from old into new. This eco-friendly and green line is my latest venture.

how I make my jewelry

In making all my jewelry pieces I use fine silver, semi-precious stones and freshwater pearls. Every piece is finished with sterling silver or gold-filled findings. The fine silver that I use is Precious Metal Clay. This is fine silver ground into powder that is mixed with a liquid binder resulting in a clay like consistency. After forming each piece I then fire them in my kiln at 1650 which fuses the metal together, burns off the liquid and forms the solid silver.

contact me today!

559-561-1307 (studio #)

P.O. Box 741

Three Rivers, CA. 93271

Please contact me anytime! I look forward to hearing from you.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

VIDEO...Heiress Casey Johnson's Lesbian Sex-Tape... Scheme co-starring Courtenay Semel...

Casey Johnson and Courtenay Semel’s Sex-Tape Scheme

by Whitney English and Ken Baker

The shocking revelations about Casey Johnson just keep on coming


The deceased 30-year-old Johnson & Johnson heiress had plans to release some rather personal footage to make a few bucks and land a deal for a reality show.

“We had our own sex tape,” Johnson’s ex Courtenay Semel tells E! News exclusively. “It was either listen to our families and do what they say to get our lives back, or do it ourselves and sell this tape, work on our show. That was kind of our plan.”

The lovebirds were in need of some quick cash after Johnson was cut off by her parents.

Semel says they used to remind each other, “We can get the money. We’ve already filmed it—why don’t we just put it out there and we’ll just take the money for it. We don’t need our parents.”

Instead, they used the video as leverage when negotiating with their relatives.

“We used it as bribery on both sides of our families,” Semel admits.

The couple considered the film, which was shot during a trip to Texas, to be a bit more than just a voyeuristic adventure.

“We laughed when we watched our sex tape because we were like, ‘This is the most beautiful piece of art work we have ever seen in our lives,’ ” Semel says. “It’s beautiful…When you find that person that’s literally your other half. We don’t care to show this. You could just tell how much, how in love, we were.”

Semel claims they were planning to release the film as a teaser for their reality show, which was in development.

“Our show could’ve gone after that,” she claims. “Casey and Courtenay were going to make Casey and Courtenay happen.”

But don’t expect to see the tape anytime soon—Semel says it’s now in the Johnson family’s possession.


Gay Marriage.

I cannot believe she is over fifty years old.  Cindy McCain, wife of Senator John McCain, posed for a NOH8 campaign poster and looks… amazing.  I’m sure there was a lot of photoshopping going on, but I have seen videos of her during John McCains presidential run and she looked amazing there too. 

Is marriage only between a man and a woman?  I say no.

Some opponents of gay marriage say its only natural that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.  It takes a man and woman to mate, produce offspring, and keep our species going.  Lets face it, marriage is not the prerequisite for sex and reproduction; the people who believe we need to get married before we have sex and reproduce are the religious and the parents of daughters who want them to have sex… NEVER (If I have a daughter I want her to be a Nun).  Reality is, some couples can and do have children before marriage. 

What about sterile men or women?  Are they not allowed to get married because they are unable to produce children?

With the option to adopt and the development of artificial insemination, couples gay or straight no longer need to be able to produce children of their own.

There are even those who go so far as to argue that preventing same-sex marriage is NOT discrimination.  The argument is that there is no discrimination, they say anyone who wants to get married can get married as long as they meet the requirement of being a man and a woman.  Come on really???  Based on that argument, I assume those people would also agree that separate but equal was not discrimination; Black children who were not allowed in White schools were not discriminated against, it was just because they did not “meet the requirement” of being white.   I guess Abercrombie and Fich was also not practicing discriminatory hiring practices, because some people just didn’t ”meet the requirement” of being young buff white males.

In Martin Luther King Jr’s “letter from a Birmingham jail” he gives the arguments for what is an unjust law, king says ”an unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself. This is difference made legal.”  That description sounds awfully familiar.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Brain Sex

I don’t believe in gender.  Not the concept, not the identity, nothing.  There is no such thing as gender outside the labeling scheme cooked up by academics.

Something needs to be cleared up here about what I believe to be the transsexual condition.  I am sure many people believe that transsexual means man or woman with a birth defect, and I share that viewpoint to some extent.  But I want to isolate this issue to the barest minimum to facilitate understanding.

I believe the transsexual condition is a state of being brought on in an organism when two of its systems are out of alignment, putting it out of homeostasis and creating the symptoms that we call “transsexualism”.  That is it.  The fact that so many of us perceive ourselves as nothing more than men and women is another issue.  There is no gender involved, no identity issues, and no psychological component to the transsexual condition.  There is no sexual orientation as an organizing principle, nor a magic checklist.  It simply is, or it isn’t.

When I say I am a woman it is because after correction, having achieved a state of homeostasis and now being comfortable, that is where the balance of traits that I now possess has been grouped and labeled by society.  This is also the same way that society labels the balance of traits of babies when they are born.  In this, we are no different than other men or women who accept society’s system for such things.

That is why we are men and women, and there is no more to it.  All the gender theorizing and navel gazing is wrong about this, and it is irrelevant.  There is no “brain sex” as such, for brain sex is a term, while having the appearance of hard definition, that is steeped in gender identity theory,  gendered politics, and their underlying assumptions.  I reject these kinds of subtle forays of the gender paradigm into science.

Being a minority by accident of birth is nothing new to humanity.  People recognize many “minorities” and much politicking has been done over identity.  It is important that the concepts of minority and majority remain tied to their overall meaning, that of who holds power, and do not themselves become mired in the specific identities of the various situations where identity politics is practiced.

Transsexual is not an identity to be bandied about by people looking for an issue.  It is an awful state of being for a person, one that must be corrected.  There is only one transsexual condition.  One.

Some people seek to redefine transsexual from its current useless meaning of  “anyone who has a sex change” to something with more validity.  I am one of those people.  The others include the TG, as well as certain sexologists and others in the Psych Industry.  Right now all the power for labeling rests with the people who have the least to lose by our destruction and the most to gain by our continued misrepresentation.  While the TG politicians are a problem, the chief danger they present is that they open us to attack by our real enemies; those who “study” us in sexology.

As I’ve written before, I believe that Paul McHugh is trying to give cover to the Catholic Church in the ongoing pedophile priest scandal.  He is seeking a scapegoat.  McHugh knows that he can’t pin this on gay men as a whole because society will not allow that, despite the recent push by Blanchard for “ephebophilia” to be included in the next DSM.  But what if they could redefine transsexual women as gay men?

Certainly this would be a great boon, as the bargaining chip of ephebophilia is withdrawn (because it was merely a starting point to scare gay men) .  And now transsexual “men”, the gayest of the gay, are offered up as sacrifice, the price for gays to remain free from stigma.  The gay men, being our keepers, will not hesitate to make that bargain.

And how is this accomplished?  The scurrilous James Cantor, who works in the area of pedophilia, has already attempted to label our brains as being similar to pedophiles.  He offered up the hypothesis that our brains show markers for abnormal sexuality, rather than “gender markers”, both prospects being of base of course.

Another problem with the BNSTc finding is that the BNSTc is also smaller in pedophiles. So the BNSTc could be related to atypical sexuality generally rather than to gender identity specifically. (For the record: This should not be misinterpreted comparing transsexualism to pedophilia.)

Do you all see the kind of underhanded, backbiting tactics and agenda we are up against? Of course we all know that it is the BSTc, and not the BNSTc that is in question. But by spreading this sort of vicious rumor Cantor seeks to poison the public mind to us and begin our labeling as sexual deviants, his disclaimers be damned. Political types, especially those in psychology, know how the public reacts and how easy it is to manipulate people.

This has been an ongoing effort of McHugh, Blanchard, and their cronies for a long time now. By reclassifying the symptoms of transsexualism and transvestitism into a single category, and renaming it “autogynephilia”, they have completed the colonization and erasure of men and women like us that the TG started. And now they come to their endgame.

After bringing Anne Lawrence on board as a “real transsexual” for the AGP side, they have found a “real transsexual” for the HSTS side to absolutely erase us once and for all. Cloudy, I am speaking to you.

I can tell by the things you are doing on your blog that you have been in contact with Blanchard, and that you are carrying out his agenda. I think you have been mislead by him about the outcome of your advocacy. I can tell that you have some lingering angst over this transsexual issue, it’s evident in some of the things you post. Blanchard is taking advantage of this to get you to do his bidding.

If you continue on your path, trying to prove that transsexualism is a form of gay man, you will be the key to our genocide. Transition will end, and reparative therapy will begin. We will be labeled as sex offenders if we ask for help, and slowly but surely exterminated. Sacrificed at the altar of McHugh’s Catholic Church and Blanchard’s own personal demons.

I implore you to reconsider what you are doing. You are extremely intelligent and very successful. Is this what you want your legacy to be? Do you want to be party to excusing the horrors for which the Church must surely face justice? Do you want to be the woman who enables our extermination?

If you can ask yourself these questions, Cloudy, and you still feel your needs must come before all of ours and those of generations yet to be born… if that is the case then you are no better than the people who would destroy us.

And so be it.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Interim Post

I’ve been working on a post about “brain sex” to clear up some of the misinformation going around about a “classic transsexual” viewpoint on the subject since it gets attacked so often.  In the meantime I wanted to point out something that is going on lately that I find troubling.

Recently, there has been a rash of sites and postings from people who claim to support “autogynephilia” as a legitimate diagnosis.  Soon after the discussion about how helpful and wonderful this diagnosis is, the writers of these blogs for some reason found it necessary to launch directly into attacks on the physiological basis of transsexuality, the standard TG narrative of gender identity, and basically everything anyone has said that contradicts the AGP/HSTS paradigm.

Let the ‘record’ show that we took no notice of these people until their linkage to our blogs was pointed out, and indeed I personally tried to engage them in productive conversation.  They were simply not interested and instead quickly retreated and continued their campaign to discredit anyone and everyone involved in this debate.  This is when I started to get suspicious.

I believe this is a coordinated effort, the purpose of which is unclear to me at this time.  This sudden spate of “autogynephilic” activity followed by a very pointed effort to damn the physiological basis of transsexualism as well as any TG who does not toe their line is more than fortuitous.  I’m sure anyone who takes an interest in these matters will probably know who I mean when I say it is most likely “the usual suspects”.  I would urge people, no matter what side you are on, to approach these “autogynephilics” with caution if you must do so at all.  There is something really wrong there.

In other news, Anonymous T Girl has completed a report on the incident which occurred on my blog when certain parties decided to do the usual tg-activist thing of trying to silence us by “outing”, never mind that many of the people who comment here are “out” which is why their pictures were readily available.  The comments here on my blog were fairly bad with all the usual silly sock puppetry and arguments with oneself, but nothing out of the ordinary for the hardcore TG types that typically troll the waters.

The real issue came about with the creation of an attack blog where they tried to profile some of the people who post here to shame and humiliate them into silence using the all-too-typical internet tg “activist” method of bullying and threats.  It ended up with some of the worst hate speech against women and intersex people that I have heard from the TG in a long time.

I don’t point this out to start yet another front in this ongoing war between TS and TG, but to get them to remove at least the offending parts of the blogs.   While I really dislike targeting any particular individual, the content of these other blogs was so bad it had to be called out.

They took a picture from the website of a person who was not “out” in a meaningful way and put it on their attack blog.  When asked to remove the picture because the individual felt that it put her in danger (she had removed it previously when realizing her error), there was no response on several occasions.

No matter how angry someone gets, it is not acceptable to knowingly put a person in danger.  And it can never be the case that judging a woman by her “rapeability” is an acceptable joke, or that people are referred to as monsters for their genetics.  This is the kind of misogyny and abuse that transsexual women have had to endure at the hands of the TG for many years now.

This is why we fight this war.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to keep the romance alive

When you are in an committed long term relationship it is very important to always make an effort to keep the love alive. although its easy to accomplish it doesn’t happen without putting a little of your spare time. You also need a sense of humor, patience, compassion, and lots of love.

I really do love my girlfriend. No one has EVER loved me so competely. She is an intriguing person, genuinely good hearted, and I couldn’t have chosen a better step-mother for my girls. Haing said that our romance is a bit on the boring side from what I am accostume to… wait let me explain. In the past, even though I have kids, I lived a nice balanced social life. During the day I went to all the kids activities the girls were part of and at night I would have babysitters care for my sleeping children while I mingled with the adults. That has changed since I started sharing my live with my wonderful girlfriend. The main problem is that my girlfriend work hours are not conventional. She has to be at work at 5am. As a concequence she HAS to be in bed no later than 10pm. Thus, there is not much room for a nightly social life. I have to admit, I really miss my social life.

I have considered having a social life by myself but I don’t want her to feel left out. I feel it is necessary for me to do what makes me happy but i have yet to find the best and most sesitive way to have a social life without her. In the meantime, while I am on the search of a good balanced social life without myGFi try to keep the romance alive by doing the following activities with my gorgeous girlfriend:

  1. First I try to tell her that I love her as many times as I can. I only say it when I mean it. She knows the difference.  This is not so difficult after all she is very loving and very attrative. She might be the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. One of the many reasons why I love her.
  2. Believe it or not I buy her flowers. In fact it is in my to do list for today! She is always weirded out by my gesture but loves it at the same time. I just like to surprise her from time to time with something beautiful.
  3. I am also big on taking her out on early dates. Since she has to go to bed so early each day I try to hire babysitters for dinner time and during the weekend for brunch time. Everytime we go out on dates we regroup as a couple and I feel like we love each other a little more.
  4. Just resently she made me the first romantic dinner without the TV, candle light, romantic music and all (The kids were with their grandparents). I loved it!!! 
  5. Wine is a staple at my place. I live to meet her at the door after a long day of work with a glass of wine and a hot drawn bath (she looooooves hot baths).
  6. On of ultimate things to do is TALK. without noices or interruptions, sometimes even without the lights. We just TALK.  We make up topics we normally wouldn’t talk about or we ask specific questions that need to be asked. I once asked her what she would like to make our relationship better. We went on for hours.
  7. Once a month we go our DANCING! we both love to dance and we both love reggae. So once a month we go to our favorite reggae spot in the city and we just dance….

Romance is beautiful and it is difficult to gain. Once you have the person you want to be romantically involved with, regardless of the obstacles life might bring you, should always make time to make love happen.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dedicated to letting the weekend reach its full potential

DC9 you trendy genderfucked hipster.  Your vibe has gone and stolen my heart.  Granted my heart is pretty much up for grabs, but you my 9th and U lovely, you had me from the get go.  Liberation Dance party (electro-pop with videos broadcast throughout and free rail drinks till 10:30) – the straight girls are drunk and night gay.  The boys are all gay or faux-gay (the modified metrosexual?  IDK, confusing for my friend to decipher so it wasn’t just in my head).  So many drunken and very funny (I was the lightly drinking DD, just happy high on life) PDA moments to observe…oh you low standarded drunken straight kids you!  It happens, I’ve been there.  Any attention is not better than no attention.

(morning after the gym hair…mohawk seriously degraded).

The pixie cuts, black attire, and flocks of dark haired girls…swoon!  You, girl with the black and white striped shirt and black banana around your neck…I’ll say hi next time.  Your style was pure sex.

Also, straight girls, you confuse me.  It would please me if you are equally confused by me.  Reciprocity and all.  Also, please don’t spill your drinks on me when we dance.   You are not that hot.

And, holy shit…are all gay girls just waiting to be asked to dance?  Hi how are you?What’s your name?Let’s dance?!


Because so far, yes.  Everyone of us is so deep inside our head that it is inconceivable to externalize the secret smile behind our eyes and teasing our lips.  Rejection is not that bad.  Maybe that’s just how the vanilla hipster gay girls roll (probably).  I have high hopes that with a little bit of confidence, an open heart, and thick skin, this is going to work for me.  So looking forward to HomoSonic at the end of the month at the Black Cat.

Somewhere around 1:30 I pointed out to my nearly life long straight, engaged, harmless manizer friend that no I don’t think he’s crazy hot, but the girl next to him was.  It took her a few minutes but she gave me a big hug and drug me back out to the dance floor.  That was really cool.  It was also really cool watching her adjust to the dancing style of this particular scene.  Modus operandi: if it feels good/fun, do it.  Jumping helps.

In bed at 4am, at the gym at 9:30 (I admit, I stopped for a quick coffee first, but I needed it!  It’s like cutting yourself but it’s metaphorical so the scars are different and transient).  Threw a lot of punches sparring, did kinda shitty, got punched in the face every 20 seconds.  Landed my fair share too though.  Did okay against the Ring Goddess.  Even off her game and TU from training the day before she can rattle my skull.  Wicked hooks and relentless.  I need to improve my arms.  My arms were trashed during the 3rd rounds.  My cardio was okay.  Yay!

Oh yeah, stopped by the tat shop last night before the outtery.  Should have a drawing in a week and will make an appointment to get the work done once I see the drawing.

Question: How do I make a photo transparent so I can overlay another photo and get a ghosting effect?  (bonus points for answers including freeware or powerpoint).


Same Sex Marriage in the Nation’s Capital

Last month the DC Council voted in favor of approving a bill which would give homosexual couples the right to marry in the Nation’s Capital. This month a DC Superior Court judge ruled that the bill’s opponents do not have the right to call for a referendum. If Congress approves this bill after their 30 legislative day review period, same sex couples should be able to start getting married in March of this year.

Hopefully soon more of the country will take the hint that this is not something that makes any sense to fight over. I have never understood why anyone gets upset over the idea of gays getting married. It’s not like the religious leaders who find that sort of thing distasteful are going to be forced to perform the ceremonies. Gay people aren’t going to want someone who hates them marrying them. It’s possible that the clergy who oppose these things will get asked to perform ceremonies, but I doubt that anyone who’s told "No, I can’t perform your wedding ceremony because I don’t believe you should have the right to marry" is going to still want that person to perform the ceremony anyway.

And I don’t really see how anyone else could have anything close to a valid argument for keeping same sex couples from marrying. If you have a gay family member or friend invite you to their wedding, but you don’t approve of gay marriage- JUST DON’T GO. Simple as that. It doesn’t have to affect you. You don’t have to take it as a personal insult. Just let other people alone and live your life the way you see fit. Why exactly is that so damn difficult for people?


Thursday, January 14, 2010

U-Hauling, is it real or fake?

Most of us have heard the expression that a lesbian’s first date is moving in together.

We have coined this term as U-Hauling, and as pathetic as it sounds this stereotype is considered to some, true! I have made the mistake of moving in with a girlfriend too soon, and things did not go well. Of course, those regrets always set in after about a month or two of living with this person who you hardly dated, and finding them annoying made things more difficult. But can it work if you decide to U-Haul? What is the shortest amount of time you have used dating before deciding to move in? What was the outcome? Will you ever do it again? 

Mz. Pink


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lesbian Sex Toys

It’s true that your sex life can become monotonous and boring if you keep doing the same thing over and over. The good news is that there are a lot of resources to help you expand your sexual repertoire. Even lesbian sex life in not an exception when it comes to routines. Here comes the role of lesbian sex toys, which could be helpful spicing up your relationship and makes thing work better than ever. Lesbian sex encompasses many sexual activities, including oral sex, dry humping (frottage), vaginal or anal intercourse, mutual masturbation, and fisting.

Many lesbians have discovered the pleasures of strap-on sex. Strap ons are dildos designed to be worn in a harness, so that you can fuck your partner without having to hold the dildo in place. Strap-on dildosare characterized by a flared base, which secures the dildo in the harness and prevents it from popping through during rigorous sexual play! Harnesses come in array of styles and are fully adjustable, so you can get a secure fit, regardless of your body type.

Dildos, many made of premium silicone, are available in styles and colors to suit any desire, so whether you’re craving a curved toy for G-spot play or a graduated toy for anal play, you can rig up a strap-on dildo that’ll get the job done.

While anal beads will give the perfect anal penetration, anal probes can come handy to start a sex encounter.

Here are also some things to avoid if you want to keep your sex life alive and vibrant:

1. Get too clingy

Togetherness is good, but one pattern lesbian couples often fall into is spending too much time together. There’s an old saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder!” Take time away from each other and develop your own interests. Give her reasons to continually find you stimulating.

2. Get too distant.

While some time away is good, don’t go overboard and get too distant. Be sure to make time for each other at least once a week. Plan date nights. Beware of falling into the routine of coming home, turning on the TV or computer and zoning out from each other.

3. Stop Having Sex

Okay, this might sound obvious, but if you don’t ever have sex, you’re not going to have a sex life. Make sex dates. Say yes to sex, even if you’re tired, have a headache or don’t feel in the mood from time to time. You might surprise yourself at how quickly you get in the mood or how the pleasure of that orgasm suddenly makes your headache go away!

4. Let body image issues get in the way

You may have put on a few pounds, grown a few grey hairs, added some wrinkles and aren’t feeling as sexy as you once did when you were younger. People can and do have healthy sex lives no matter their size, age or physical ability.

5. Predictable routine.

Routines are good for some thing, like getting your children ready for school and synchronized swimming, but in the bedroom a routine can make your sex life boring. Don’t’ be afraid to try new positions, new activities, new toys, new dirty talk, erotica or fantasies.

6. Contract a disease.

Although lesbians are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, HPV and HIV, there seems to be less attention paid by lesbians to safer sex than in the gay male and heterosexual communities. A STD can not only kill your sex life, it can kill you. Protect yourself!

like many women:

  • Some lesbians have unsafe sex with men
  • Some lesbians inject drugs and share needles
  • Some lesbian sexual practices are risky.
  • Lesbians wanting to get pregnant face decisions about semen donors



Sunday, January 10, 2010

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The women of West Hollywood.

I live close to Brittany Murphy’s old home. It is a nice large house on one of the winding roads that climb the steep Hollywood hills. The house is on the North side of  the Sunset strip and this is the posher side, the side you want to live, the side that says you have really made it. Of course if you do live there it doesn’t necessarily mean you earned the money to buy the place. There’s plenty of girlfriends, wives and husbands who are living there on the back of some one elses merit. Brittany Murphy’s widow, Simon Monjak is a good example of this.

Like me he is a Brit. Unlike me he is rather fat and swarthy. The rumors are that he is a con man. I cannot corroborate. He is credited for the story  and as exec-producer of “Factory Girl” (Sienna Miller pic about Andy Warhol) Apparently he bullied his way into the production by claiming the producers had stolen his ‘original’ story and then threatening to sue. Rather than lose their investment the producers let him in.

There are also rumors that he dealt with procuring his wife with various drugs. Brittany had problems with class-A drugs, no doubt, she’d done rehab. If Monjack was her fixer it adds a terrible twist to the end of her life. Why didn’t he call the paramedics sooner?

She was a talented woman with a lot more to offer.  RIP Brittany.

Monjack’s reaction to the death of his wife was strange. But I am sure he loved her. She was way out his league and he must know his best days are over. But Tina Tequila’s reaction to the death of  her girlfriend Casey Johnson, heiress to the Johnson and Johnson pharmaceutical fortune is enough to make me cringe in my brogues. She has here greedy little eyes set on a promotion, or an elevation up the hill anyway.

Tina Tequila also lives near to me. But she is on the south side of the Sunset strip, slightly further down the hill. And that’s where she should be cos she is definitely on the wrong side of the tracks. Her TV show is a lesbian dating show. It made my toes curl and the insides of my stomach want to hit the far wall. In a European world we might have somehow managed to make the show something tasteful and still kept if fun. Here the show is lipstick lesbian fantasy prime time soft pornfor men. And Tina is the kind of trailer trash no brain person we need a lot more of on TV at any moment now.

Casey, her GF, it seems was a wild one anyway. But making publicity out of it shows Tina for what she really is.

Someone else who lives not far from here, but further up the hill than either of the other two is Joan Collins. I saw here twice in two days. The first time was in Hamburger Hamlet on Sunset and Doheny. She swept into the room and set it alight with her laughter and fun. And in a room full of old style Hollywood hacks that is an achievement. She was wearing a bright red coat and a smart white woolen hat. She was pure Dynasty and for a sucker like me  who is in to old school celebs and manners it was a great spot. Celebrity safari wise…I’m not sure. Something slithe and sexy but a bit light weight. She also likes a bit of leopard print. So I’ll go Leopard. Quite rare and a dying breed.

The second time I saw her I was having a coffee in a shop on Sunset. An 80’s gold roller pulled up in front of me at the lights. By the time it had stopped swaying on it’s suspension I saw the passenger. She was wearing a lovely woolen hat. Her dresses were hanging over the back windows in dry cleaners bags. She was talking two to a dozen and waving her hands at the driver a large grey haired man who looked like he’d been tough once but now spends his time on the golf course and in the bar. T’was very surreal.

BTW Hamburger Hamlet, the Hamlet, is a good place to check out if you are visiting. In the day it was the Ivy or the Spago. Now it is a little sad and the food is fading. You need to sit in the

Judd Nelson on the Taproom

Taproom because the main area has lost its charm. But in its day Sinatra, Sammy David Jnr and Monroe ate in style. One person from the old days is still there. She’s the Maitre Dee a petite older lady who hands out tables like they are tickets to the Oscars. She’s seen a few things in her day. She was married to the late great Marvin Gaye.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Music has Arrived, BC plug

Having previously commented on how I was being sent You Created a Monster for free due to various circumstances, today I literally jumped on the bed at receiving it.

The mp3’s seemed to take,  years to download but they finished, just, after a few short breathe of expectation they roared out proud from my glow in the dark speakers.

I’d take picture if I could but I don’t have a camera.

Basically, thank you Brontosaurus Chorus/Dom Green, you’ve made a man behave like a boy once more.


Let the Sunshine in.

For those who haven’t been paying attention recently there is currently a challenge to Prop 8 underway in the federal courts. Two very high-profile lawyers, Ted Olson (a conservative who argued for Bush in Bush v Gore) and David Boies (a liberal who argued for Gore in Bush v Gore), have brought Perry v Schwarzenegger to the Federal circuit and have rather successful kept out all the Gay, Inc. types who originally railed against them when they heard about the proceedings then decided to try to get on the bandwagon after it became inevitable that the case would go to trial. An interesting twist though is that under new federal regulations judges can decide whether or not to allow the trials in their courtrooms to be televised and the judge in this case, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, pondered the idea but decided to have taped but released on a delay on YouTube.

The stage is set and now all we need is some rightwinger to cry foul about how transparency is secretly a left-wing conspiracy to scare anti-gay bigots off the witness stand. Oh wait, that’s what Michelle Malkin is for:

I generally support more sunshine in all government proceedings. But the judge’s unusual method of securing video coverage is extremely troubling. This isn’t a sincere educational effort to provide transparency to the public. It’s a flagrant attempt at making Prop. 8 a show trial — and intimidating Prop. 8 backers who will be called to testify.

Former federal district judge Paul Cassell weighs in: “Without getting into the merits of Proposition 8 or the legal challenges to it, I agree with Whelan that it seems highly unusual for a judge to authorize televised proceedings for this particular case as part of some new “pilot” project to see how televised proceedings work. Surely if there were going to be a test run of a new idea, it should be in a more run-of-the-mill case rather than this particular highly controversial one. Moreover, it does appear that public comment process has been completely short-circuited.”

Indeed, the public comment process seems to have been wholly fixed in favor of anti-Prop. 8, nutroots-fueled feedback.

The MoveOn-backed left-wing group “Courage Campaign” conveniently coordinated an e-mail campaign backing Walker’s solicitation of public comment on his YouTube order. I’m on the group’s e-mail list and received this on Jan. 5:

The anti-Prop. 8 mob has its thumbs on the scales of justice. Brace for a courtroom circus.

So not only is this some sort of giant conspiracy between the judge and left-wing groups it’s also a show trial and a mob induced circus. Really?

Would a televised trial stop someone from testifying if they truly believed that gay marriage would be detrimental to society as a whole? Doubtful. Would a televised trial stop someone from testifying if they were a bigoted douchebag who justified their backwards views with dogma and biblical passages? Quite possibly.

Let’s be clear: the only reason conservatives are against having this trial televised is because it will put the incoherency of their arguments against gay marriage on display for all to see. You can’t play on peoples prejudices in a courtroom. You can’t lie about how gay marriage means kids will be forced to learn about man-on-man buttsex in school. You can’t cite scripture. You have to submit evidence and expert testimony and cogent arguments based on statutory and case law. Unfortunately for the Defense of Marriage types, they don’t have any of that.

What they do have is ignorance, hate and a religious-fueled desire to cast down anyone who doesn’t fit their ideal mold which doesn’t play too well in a court of law… Or on a television screen.

Cross posted at Can’t Win For Losing.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Boom Boom Brugge


6-something P.M.


Got in yesterday-day after the train ride. The hostel is nice – much nicer than The White Tulip in the ‘Dam. This one is The Bauhaus. The bed isn’t more comfortable, but the blankets are. And cleaner. And friendlier. Not the blankets – the people. I’m drinking a beer with 8% alcohol right now…

So we got here, checked in, and immediately met Melissa from St. Louis and the crazy Brazilian girl. Cass, Nicole, and I walked around town a bit. Rainy. Cold. Went to the supermarket and got a salad, water, and pears. My body thanks me for the nutrients. Ate. Showered. Masturbated with the shower head. It’s hard to do because you have to constantly push the button on account of the water only staying on for ten seconds at a time. Got ready. Bridget, the 20-year-old Aussie, wanted to go out and dance. PERFECT. So, Bridget, Melissa, Cassidy, George (another Aussie – who has bad hair), Mel (the Canadian Army-girl – who is hilarious), and I did just that. Walked the crazy, confusing straats that change names randomly ’til we ended up at Cafe Pick. Boom, boom boom…

I swear, ALL of Brugge was in this bar. You couldn’t even move. Got a drink, saw a beautiful girl, and danced. Beautiful girl (BG) kept smiling at me. Cute boy comes up to me and asked me if I spoke French. I don’t. He told me in English that the butch girl with a mohawk and small boobs that he was with just got dumped and that I should go dance with her. Then I payed .30 Euro to pee. Jesus christ, I gotta pay to pee! I gave her .50 Euro.

I hopped up on stage and danced with Bridget. Then I danced with Mohawk/small boobs. Told Mohawk that I thought BG was beautiful. Mohawk told me that BG was straight. And seventeen.

I felt like a perv.

I danced with the girls anyway. There were six girls – all in the Dutch Navy. They taught me how to salute, and then we passed ice around to each other with our mouths. I got to kiss BG in a round-about way. The music thumped and our asses shook. There was a lot of American music mixed with cool Belgian shit. Good beats. They all told me their names. I remembered none of them. Kissed Bridget (or so I was told), kissed The Navy. They gave me cigarettes and bought me drinks. They made me feel like a rock star. “Everyone wants pict-cha wif youuuu!”, the blond non-English speaker spoke.

The coolest girl, H-something, and I talked and danced a lot. I gave the “thumbs-up-question-mark” to Melissa and Cass to make sure that they were alright. They were. Then Melissa and Bridget left. I said my goodbyes and kept dancing. I wasn’t ready to leave The Navy yet. I was having the most fun on this trip yet. And in Brugge! Who woulda thought?! I kept asking H-something if she wanted to make-out. She kept turning me down. They were getting ready to leave, and I knew H-something secretly wanted to kiss me, so I grabbed her and kissed her. It was really nice. Then I did it again. What a great night…

I exchanged e-mail addresses with H-something and BG. Got an e-mail from H-something today when I rented a laptop for 3 Euros an hour at the pub. Checked Myspace. Drank beer. Nicole is still sick. We’re just waiting for the “Happy-Dance Day.”

May go out tonight. Wanna check out the one-and-only gay bar in Brugge, but not sure yet. The wallet is getting sad, but Cass is up for it, so maybe I am too.

Threw away my digital camera last night. It’s dead. At least I have the memory card.

Paris tomorrow. Mel taught me something to say in French so the Parisians would like me: “Je shwa-zee Obama.” [I wrote it phonetically so I would remember how to say it.] It means, “I chose Obama.” The French aren’t fond of Americans.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

What the Heck Is A Derby Wife Anyway?

“Um…is it a lesbian thing?” was my first thought when being introduced to the term derby wife.  Now I just look back at that and laugh, probably like most of you are doing at me right this very moment, but come on let’s face it no one really explains these things to you at sign ups. I and most of the girls I know actually had to google it, because I mean google pretty much knows everything, right?

What came up was an actual explanation on the Roller Con website and because they say it better than I ever could, I am just going to let them do just that:

The tradition started in November 2003, when a load of Derby Dolls went to see the first AZRD bout and the derby wife concept was born.

Now, see, we Derby Dolls (and I imagine/KNOW a whole lot of the rest of you out there) really like to drink. Some of us have been a little further in the barrel than others, and some of us have done so on a 6 hour van trip to Phoenix. Well, my dear friend Evil E and I initiated both the world’s most ill-advised drinking contest and what was very likely the first verified pairing of derby “wives” called as such on that very trip. Yes, yes, a fifth of Jim Beam a piece is likely to not only be accompanied by many “I LOVE YOU, MAN!”s, and all kinds of wall-eyed hooey, but before those bottles got too empty we realized something.

A derby wife is quite simply this -

She is the one person in this whole sport of roller derby that the very instant you looked at her, you felt like you’d known her since you were a fetus. She looked just like your best friend from fifth grade, or something she did reminded you of all the things you ever liked in anyone else.

She is the first person you’d call if you ever need to get bailed out of jail. (Or in my case, ever need to have an entire legal crusade started in your name.)

She’s the one who will be holding back your hair when you puke after drinking too much, and she won’t let anyone take your picture while doing it.

She’ll ride in the ambulance with you when you lose a tooth, break your wrist, or tear your ACL.She’ll make you laugh the whole way to the hospital, try to steal your pain medication (lovingly), and sneak your favorite food and a beer into recovery.

She’ll make her actual husband understand that if he loves her, he’s gonna have to put up with you, too, no matter how many times you come over forcing him to revisit all the derby-related shows on his Tivo that you missed.

She may not even be your best friend in the league or the sport, but she’d be the one you know will be the first one to back you up, even if you’re dead wrong. She’ll just tell you you’ve lost your f#$king mind later in private, possibly kick your ass a little bit, and then be the only one who could ever talk your hotheaded ass into some reason.

If you can find more than one derby wife who can meet those needs, then you are lucky indeed, but myself? I’m a one derby wife gal.

And there you have it ladies! As for me, I’m staying single for awhile! How about you, who’s your derby wife? Do you have someone you really like and want to ask, but just haven’t yet? Any proposal stories you want to share with us? We’d love to hear from you.
