DC9 you trendy genderfucked hipster. Your vibe has gone and stolen my heart. Granted my heart is pretty much up for grabs, but you my 9th and U lovely, you had me from the get go. Liberation Dance party (electro-pop with videos broadcast throughout and free rail drinks till 10:30) – the straight girls are drunk and night gay. The boys are all gay or faux-gay (the modified metrosexual? IDK, confusing for my friend to decipher so it wasn’t just in my head). So many drunken and very funny (I was the lightly drinking DD, just happy high on life) PDA moments to observe…oh you low standarded drunken straight kids you! It happens, I’ve been there. Any attention is not better than no attention.
(morning after the gym hair…mohawk seriously degraded).
The pixie cuts, black attire, and flocks of dark haired girls…swoon! You, girl with the black and white striped shirt and black banana around your neck…I’ll say hi next time. Your style was pure sex.
Also, straight girls, you confuse me. It would please me if you are equally confused by me. Reciprocity and all. Also, please don’t spill your drinks on me when we dance. You are not that hot.
And, holy shit…are all gay girls just waiting to be asked to dance? Hi how are you?What’s your name?Let’s dance?!

Because so far, yes. Everyone of us is so deep inside our head that it is inconceivable to externalize the secret smile behind our eyes and teasing our lips. Rejection is not that bad. Maybe that’s just how the vanilla hipster gay girls roll (probably). I have high hopes that with a little bit of confidence, an open heart, and thick skin, this is going to work for me. So looking forward to HomoSonic at the end of the month at the Black Cat.
Somewhere around 1:30 I pointed out to my nearly life long straight, engaged, harmless manizer friend that no I don’t think he’s crazy hot, but the girl next to him was. It took her a few minutes but she gave me a big hug and drug me back out to the dance floor. That was really cool. It was also really cool watching her adjust to the dancing style of this particular scene. Modus operandi: if it feels good/fun, do it. Jumping helps.
In bed at 4am, at the gym at 9:30 (I admit, I stopped for a quick coffee first, but I needed it! It’s like cutting yourself but it’s metaphorical so the scars are different and transient). Threw a lot of punches sparring, did kinda shitty, got punched in the face every 20 seconds. Landed my fair share too though. Did okay against the Ring Goddess. Even off her game and TU from training the day before she can rattle my skull. Wicked hooks and relentless. I need to improve my arms. My arms were trashed during the 3rd rounds. My cardio was okay. Yay!
Oh yeah, stopped by the tat shop last night before the outtery. Should have a drawing in a week and will make an appointment to get the work done once I see the drawing.
Question: How do I make a photo transparent so I can overlay another photo and get a ghosting effect? (bonus points for answers including freeware or powerpoint).
[Via http://untilthewheelsfalloff.wordpress.com]
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