Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The New England Patriots...yuckie

Living in Massachusetts and cheering against the patriots is a tough task, but I do it.  Last night it was easy to route against the patriots  largely because I am a Buffalo Bill fan AND we were in the comfort of our living room far away from the maddening salivating pats fans, although there was a football party going on in the neighborhood, and while falling asleep we could tell by the cheers that tommy boy had woken up and was bringing the patriots towards victory.  And so the football season begins, which is just the shoulder season for ice hockey anyway.

Why is it everytime I turn on the news that horses ass bo is making some kind of speech?  Yesterday he gave a speech on the anniversary of the leman brothers collapse…is he freaking kidding, why didnt he give a speech on what Kanye west did to taylor swift  at the VMAs that seemed like it was important enough for him to call a press conference.  I think bo is a dillweed but I dont trust him I think hes the Manchurian Candidate, bought and paid for by an enemy of the US or some consortium with there own evil agenda…do you think the Bushs paid for his education, I think they are a consortium with there own evil agenda…

More importantly I am awaiting the delivery of my new Kettlebell, I couldnt resist 45lbs…I wanted to get it today so I can work out with it before heading to Tai Chi class.  I found this ad and thought it was seriously gross, meat cliffs..so would that be rocks of fat blobs and a river of slurry running between the meat cliffs…the meat industry is trying to make meat equal tranquility…I’m sure tranquility is not what that animal experienced before becoming an advertisement for the industry that killed it..

You know, I was going to post the vma performance of lady gaga, but I think it was kind of crappy..and Im too lazy to try and find a decent song..and Im running late anyway..have a lovely toosday

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